Isometric's new report “Monitoring, reporting and verifying carbon removal” outlines principles for rigorous MRV. Read more.

Science Network members

The Science Network

Alongside our internal team, Isometric is building an engaged, diverse community of 200+ climate scientists and industry experts. This community plays a pivotal role in reviewing durable CDR protocols and helping us accelerate the progress of CDR science.

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The members

Below is the full list of Science Network members and their affiliations.

Jennifer Holm
Cultivo and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jennifer Wagner
Breakthrough Energy
Jenny Soong
Corteva Agriscience
Jessica Cross
Jisiwei Luo
Delft University of Technology
Joanna Speer
University of Southampton
Jodi Formosi
Bella Biochar Corporation
Joe Lunn
Climate Action
Joe McQuillen
City Science
John Higgins
John MacDonald
University of Glasgow
Jordan Abell
University of Arizona (Lehigh University starting Fall 2024)
Jordon D. Hemingway
ETH Zurich
Jos P.M. Vink
Deltares Foundation
Josh Steinberg
Independent Scientific Advisor; Carbon Blue
Julia Turnšek
UC Berkeley
Junyao Kang
PhD Candiate at Virginia Tech
Justin Delgado
CUNY Graduate Center
Jérémie Paul
CUR8 (portfolio management of CDR), Rethinking Removals
Kailani Acosta
Columbia University
Karan Bhuwalka
Katja Fennel
Dalhousie University, Department of Oceanography
Kaustubh Thirumalai
The University of Arizona
Kay Suselj
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Kees van Santen
Kelsey Dyez
University of Michigan
Kevin Brown
KB Squared
Kevin McGraw
University of Galway
Kieran Curran
University of New Hamphire
Kirsty Harrington
Heriot Watt
Kristen Mitchell
Office of Naval Research
Kwon Rausis
Trent University
Kyann Hadife
Columbia University
Laura Stieghorst
Lawrence Xiao
Lennart Bach
University of Tasmania
Liam Bullock
Geosciences Barcelona-CSIC
Liliana Bastian
Ocean Visions
Luca Telesca
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
Luis Lascurain