Isometric designated as Leading Credit Issuer by Frontier. Find out more.

Building trust in carbon removal


Isometric is a carbon credit certification platform with a mission to rebuild trust in carbon markets. We certify carbon credits so companies can easily buy the world’s most scientifically rigorous carbon credits to meet their climate commitments. Creating trust in carbon credits is needed to help carbon removal scale to the level the planet needs.

Companies buying Isometric Credits


Isometric's multidisciplinary team is grouped into Divisions, and consists of world-class professionals who are all deeply committed to playing their part in tackling the climate crisis.

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Eamon Jubbawy
Founder and CEO

Eamon founded Isometric in 2022 to introduce trust into the carbon removal industry. He is an expert in creating trust-building infrastructure, having previously founded Onfido, a digital identity verification company that helps the financial services industry prevent fraud and onboard customers with confidence. He built the organization to over 500 employees before leaving to found Isometric. Onfido has verified over 500 million identities globally and prevented over 21 million fraud attempts.

As CEO of Isometric, Eamon is responsible for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s strategic plan. He has line management responsibility for all members of the Leadership team.

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Ellie Romer-Lee
Head of People

Ellie was the VP People at Onfido where she helped scale the organization from 10 to 400 people. She is a certified Executive Coach (accredited by the International Coaching Organisation).

At Isometric, Ellie is responsible for overseeing human resources, including recruitment, training and employee onboarding.

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Lukas May OBE
Head of Expansion & Policy

Lukas was previously Global Head of Expansion at Wise, which he expanded into dozens of new markets, including Japan, Singapore, and Canada. He also worked as a Senior Civil Servant in the UK Government from 2019 - 2023, leading international trade negotiations.

At Isometric, Lukas is responsible for leading the Expansion and Policy teams. This includes oversight of all commercial partnerships, as well as policy engagement and government relations.

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Ola Sitarska
Chief Technology Officer

Ola has over a decade of experience in senior engineering roles, including at VP-level, at Shopify, Onfido and Pollen. In 2014, Ola founded a non-profit focussed on technology education, with over 30,000 women participating from around the world.

At Isometric, Ola is responsible for leading our engineering team. This includes responsibility for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s technology roadmap.

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Stacy Kauk, P.Eng.
Head of Science

At Isometric, Stacy is responsible for leading our science team. This includes ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.

Stacy was previously Head Of Sustainability at Shopify where she was responsible for building Shopify’s $55M+ CDR portfolio and was a founding member of Frontier. She also serves on the advisory boards of Carbon Removal Canada and Collaborative Fund, a venture capital firm.

She has a background in environmental engineering and public policy, with 20 years of experience working at the intersection of science and regulation in both the private and public sectors.

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Jennifer Wilcox, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist

Jen was most recently the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management at the Department of Energy and is the Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. She has written and edited defining books on CDR (Carbon Capture, published in 2012, and CDR Primer, 2021) and is a leading voice in the scientific community.

At Isometric, Jen is responsible for ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.

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Aarthi Paul
Business Development Manager

Aarthi has 10 years experience in enterprise sales at organisations including carbon credit marketplace Patch, Stripe and MVF.

At Isometric, Aarthi is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.

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Adam Ward, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Adam is a process engineer who earned his PhD in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. His previous work has focussed on the design of industrial carbon capture systems for both point-source capture and direct air capture. Before joining Isometric, Adam held both research and consulting positions, collaborating with major organisations and governments to advance carbon capture technologies.

At Isometric, Adam is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Direct Air Capture and energy emissions accounting.

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Alex Steene
Founders Associate

Alex previously worked at Barclays, an EdTech accelerator and an M&A team at an Amazon aggregator in Berlin.

At Isometric, Alex supports the CEO directly in relation to company operations, including areas such as recruitment.

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Charlie Parkin
Business Development Manager

Charlie has worked in enterprise sales for 15 years. He spent nearly a decade at MVF in the UK and US before moving to lead the GTM function at a Health Tech startup.

At Isometric, Charlie is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.

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Charlotte Johnson
Operations Manager

Charlotte is an experienced operations manager, having performed a range of operations roles in previous companies, including over 6 years at Onfido.

At Isometric, Charlotte is responsible for a range of company operations, in particular partnering with our external accountancy and legal firms in overseeing finance and legal processes, as well as developing the requisite employee onboarding processes.

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Charlotte Rea
Partnerships Manager

Charlotte previously led partnerships work at Meta and Google, with a focus on tools supporting freedom of press and democracy.

At Isometric, Charlotte is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform.

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Chris Podgorney
Product Manager

Chris spent 8 years as a Product Manager at Palantir, where he played a crucial role in supporting the UK Government with data analysis.

At Isometric, Chris is the Product Manager responsible for the oversight of the Isometric Registry as well as data collection and analysis (for example, data received from suppliers and VVBs).

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Christie Patel
Science Operations Manager

Christie graduated with First Class Honors from the University of Cambridge, where she studied Natural Sciences. She has specialized in plant and algae biology, with a particular interest in the use of genetic engineering for developing microbial biotechnology.

At Isometric, Christie supports the day-to-day operations of the Science division, creating efficient processes and project managing new Protocol development.

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Clare Leckie
Chief of Staff

Clare graduated from the University of Oxford, where she studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. She then worked as a consultant at a boutique macroeconomics firm.

At Isometric, Clare supports the CEO directly in relation to all personnel and governance matters, including managing investor and board relations. She is also responsible for the Secretariat function for Board and Leadership meetings.

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David Armstrong
Policy and Business Development Manager

David has more than 7 years experience working as an international policy specialist in the UK civil service. Most recently, he was Head of Trade Unit at HM Treasury.

At Isometric, David is responsible for policy engagement and sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.

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Ella Holme, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Ella earned her Ph.D. in geochemistry from Stony Brook University. Prior to joining Isometric, she held a postdoctoral research position at Yale University in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and worked as a research scientist at CREW Carbon, where she led research efforts to develop robust MRV frameworks.

At Isometric, Ella is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Enhanced Weathering.

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Emily Mears
Software Engineer

Emily previously worked as a software engineer at Deliveroo, Snapchat and Voisey. She has actively volunteered in the women in tech space, contributing to initiatives like DjangoGirls, NodeGirls, and CodeFirst: Girls.

At Isometric, Emily works as a full-stack engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.

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Emma Marsland
LCA Specialist

Emma is a specialist in life-cycle assessments (LCA) with deep experience in emissions accounting. As a senior climate change consultant at Arup, she reviewed and prepared LCAs for the built environment, ranging from major infrastructure projects through to carbon removal pathways.

At Isometric, Emma is responsible for ensuring quality and robustness of LCA work within Protocol and Module development as well as the carbon crediting process overall.

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Georgie Daniell
Software Engineer

Georgie previously worked at Deliveroo, a cybersecurity company (now part of Datadog) and Dija (acquired by GoPuff).

At Isometric, Georgie works as a full-stack engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.

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Jennifer Yin, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Jennifer is a civil engineer whose Ph.D. at Stanford focused on coastal ocean observations. Her particular expertise is in building and deploying measurement systems in the natural environment. She has experience in climate risk, sustainable energy and water solutions and modelling, having worked at Jupiter Intelligence, GE and IBM.

At Isometric, Jennifer is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.

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Jing He, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Jing is an ocean scientist who earned her Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She also brings experience from Google’s Climate & Energy team, where she conducted a global modeling study of ocean alkalinity enhancement.

At Isometric, Jing is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.

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Jon Finerty
Software Engineer

Jon is an experienced software engineer, having previously held various engineering and management roles at J.P. Morgan, Huddle, Duffel and WorldRemit.

At Isometric, Jon works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.

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Junyuan Xue
Software Engineer

Junyuan previously worked as a software engineer at Pollen, Cleo and Mixcloud.

At Isometric, Junyuan works as a frontend engineer, with a particular focus on developing and maintaining the technical side of user interface on the Isometric platform, including the Registry.

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Kevin Sutherland, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Kevin is a biogeochemist who earned his Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. During his postdoctoral research at Harvard, he designed experiments to investigate element cycles on scales ranging from cell cultures to the global ocean.

At Isometric, Kevin is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Enhanced Weathering.

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Khaled Helioui
Board Observer

Khaled is a partner at Plural Partners. He joined Bigpoint as Chief Games Officer in 2012, taking over a 450 strong department of a fast growing & profitable gaming leader whose titles were played by hundreds of millions of gamers. In a few months he stepped up as CEO to prevent what looked like the end of the group which wasn’t prepared to face the quick rise of social games & mobile games.

He is driven by backing people who refuse to bend their will nor sacrifice their drive to see their vision through against all odds. Fighting for something bigger than oneself to correct an aspect of society that is fundamentally broken & prevents people from living a more meaningful life – lending his experience and reach to help founders, rarely fitting the mould, make their vision true is what keeps him going.

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Konrad Komorowski
Software Engineer

Konrad previously worked as a software engineer for over 7 years, at companies including  Facebook and Glovo.

At Isometric, Konrad works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry, as well as internal company tooling and technical processes.

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Lawrence Holmes
Software Engineer

Lawrence previously worked as a software engineer at Pollen.

At Isometric, Lawrence works as a frontend engineer, with a particular focus on developing and maintaining the technical side of user interface on the Isometric platform, including the Registry.

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Luke Harry
Operations Associate

Luke previously worked as an Investment Banking Analyst at UBS, with a focus on the natural resources sector (critical minerals and energy transition).

At Isometric, Luke supports the CEO's office in relation to company operations.

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Mark Allen
Engineering Manager

Mark has a background in software engineering and leadership. He held engineering leadership roles at Skyscanner, and Glovo, and before joining Isometric was a co-founder of a start-up focussed on improving diversity in technology teams.

At Isometric, Mark has people management responsibility for several software engineers and oversees the day-to-day management of the technical roadmap.

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Mark Pullin
Software Engineer

Mark is an experienced software engineer. He has worked as a simulation engineer at Ferrari, an applied scientist at Amazon and a computational engineer at ARRIVAL.

At Isometric, Mark works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.

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Marya Matlin-Wainer
Science Operations Manager

Marya earned a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Michigan in Interdisciplinary Chemical Sciences with a cognate in Environmental Policy. She then gained practical experience in enhanced weathering (EW) field trials while working in Yale University's Earth and Planetary Sciences Department.

At Isometric, Marya supports the day-to-day operations of the Science division, creating efficient processes and project managing new Protocol development.

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Murtaza Abidi
Product Designer

Murtz worked as a product designer at TransferWise (now Wise) and Intercom, as well as a range of user experience freelance roles.

At Isometric, Murtz leads design work for the Isometric platform, ensuring a clear and accessible design across a range of products.

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Neef Rehman
Software Engineer

Neef is a creative technologist, having worked as a software engineer at studio ustwo following an early career in biotechnology.

At Isometric, Neef works as a full-stack engineer, developing and maintaining technology across the Isometric platform, including the Registry.

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Neil Hacker
Partnerships Manager & Researcher

Neil is a researcher with a background in the techno-economic aspects of carbon removal pathways and published written work on the bottlenecks to scaling different removal technologies.

At Isometric, Neil is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform, as well as contributing thought leadership on the development of the carbon removal industry.

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Nicholas Lembo
Head of Marketing and Communications

Nick has over 15 years experience in marketing and communications. This includes leadership roles in companies such as Yelp, Wise, and Gusto Wallet.

At Isometric, Nick is responsible for marketing, communications and public relations.

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Rebecca Tyne, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Before joining Isometric, Rebecca was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and earned her Ph.D. in Geochemistry from the University of Oxford.

At Isometric, Rebecca is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Direct Air Capture.

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Rhys Savage, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Rhys is an environmental geochemist who has focused on the potential for using alkaline waste materials for large scale CDR. Rhys earned his Ph.D. at Cardiff University.

At Isometric, Rhys is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on mining related carbon removal pathways.

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Ryan Orbuch
Board Director

Ryan Orbuch is a Partner at Lowercarbon Capital and leads the firm’s work in carbon removal.

Prior to joining Lowercarbon, Ryan helped initiate and led Stripe’s carbon removal procurement program, which is generally regarded as the best in the industry. Ryan developed Stripe’s partnerships with Activate and Deep Science Ventures, and he recruited nearly 20 scientific expert reviewers from research universities around the world to inform Stripe’s carbon removal purchases. He led expert reviews of dozens of carbon removal project applications to select Stripe’s growing portfolio of removal companies, a basket of some of the most compelling carbon removal companies that currently exist.

With visibility into both scientific and practical operational challenges in scaling up carbon removal, Ryan is a trusted advisor to the foremost entrepreneurs and founders working to take CO2 out of the Earth’s carbon cycle.

Ryan joined Stripe as a product manager with a background in software startups, but had long been interested in climate. When Stripe made a commitment in 2019 to purchase carbon removal, Ryan jumped at the chance to finally have an excuse to massively accelerate his learning about the field. Before Stripe, Ryan was a product designer and software engineer. He co-founded Volley, an education software startup, and prior to that, while in high school, Ryan designed Finish, an Apple Design Award-winning productivity app for students.

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Shreya Garg
Verification Lead

Shreya is a seasoned carbon auditor with over 12 years of experience in the industry. Before joining Isometric she was VP of Operations at validation and verification body Earthood.

At Isometric, Shreya manages our relationships with independent VVBs, ensuring the verification process runs smoothly and efficiently.

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Sophie Gill, Ph.D.
Marine Carbon Removal Manager

Sophie holds a Ph.D. in Carbon Removal from the University of Oxford, where she worked on a thesis assessing the response of marine pelagic calcifiers to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement as a marine Carbon Dioxide Removal technique. Sophie previously worked as a CDR consultant for Stripe (Frontier), Carbon XPRIZE, CEA Consulting and ClimateWorks.

At Isometric, Sophie is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.

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Tomek Paczkowski
Software Engineer

Tomek has over a decade's experience working as a software engineer at companies including Pollen and Optimal Agriculture.

At Isometric, Tomek works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.

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Will Palmisano
Business Development Manager

Will started his career as a research assistant at the Brookings Institution studying U.S. health care policy and later worked at Aledade, where he helped build out the Business Intelligence team and also led Aledade’s programme of carbon dioxide removal purchases.

At Isometric, Will is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.

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Each member of Isometric’s Leadership is responsible for a different Division within the organization. The Leadership team collectively decides on any business critical matters affecting more than one Division within the organization, for example setting the quarterly roadmap for the organization.

Jennifer Wilcox, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist

Jen was most recently the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management at the Department of Energy and is the Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. She has written and edited defining books on CDR (Carbon Capture, published in 2012, and CDR Primer, 2021) and is a leading voice in the scientific community.

At Isometric, Jen is responsible for ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.

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Stacy Kauk, P.Eng.
Head of Science

At Isometric, Stacy is responsible for leading our science team. This includes ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.

Stacy was previously Head Of Sustainability at Shopify where she was responsible for building Shopify’s $55M+ CDR portfolio and was a founding member of Frontier. She also serves on the advisory boards of Carbon Removal Canada and Collaborative Fund, a venture capital firm.

She has a background in environmental engineering and public policy, with 20 years of experience working at the intersection of science and regulation in both the private and public sectors.

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Ola Sitarska
Chief Technology Officer

Ola has over a decade of experience in senior engineering roles, including at VP-level, at Shopify, Onfido and Pollen. In 2014, Ola founded a non-profit focussed on technology education, with over 30,000 women participating from around the world.

At Isometric, Ola is responsible for leading our engineering team. This includes responsibility for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s technology roadmap.

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Lukas May OBE
Head of Expansion & Policy

Lukas was previously Global Head of Expansion at Wise, which he expanded into dozens of new markets, including Japan, Singapore, and Canada. He also worked as a Senior Civil Servant in the UK Government from 2019 - 2023, leading international trade negotiations.

At Isometric, Lukas is responsible for leading the Expansion and Policy teams. This includes oversight of all commercial partnerships, as well as policy engagement and government relations.

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Ellie Romer-Lee
Head of People

Ellie was the VP People at Onfido where she helped scale the organization from 10 to 400 people. She is a certified Executive Coach (accredited by the International Coaching Organisation).

At Isometric, Ellie is responsible for overseeing human resources, including recruitment, training and employee onboarding.

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Eamon Jubbawy
Founder and CEO

Eamon founded Isometric in 2022 to introduce trust into the carbon removal industry. He is an expert in creating trust-building infrastructure, having previously founded Onfido, a digital identity verification company that helps the financial services industry prevent fraud and onboard customers with confidence. He built the organization to over 500 employees before leaving to found Isometric. Onfido has verified over 500 million identities globally and prevented over 21 million fraud attempts.

As CEO of Isometric, Eamon is responsible for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s strategic plan. He has line management responsibility for all members of the Leadership team.

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The Science Division is responsible for developing and maintaining Isometric Protocols and Modules, and ensuring that scientific rigor is embedded in all aspects of the carbon crediting process, including responsibility for engagement with the Science Network and wider scientific community. It also ensures that Protocols and Modules comply with the Isometric Standard and represent best available science.

Christie Patel
Science Operations Manager

Christie graduated with First Class Honors from the University of Cambridge, where she studied Natural Sciences. She has specialized in plant and algae biology, with a particular interest in the use of genetic engineering for developing microbial biotechnology.

At Isometric, Christie supports the day-to-day operations of the Science division, creating efficient processes and project managing new Protocol development.

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Ella Holme, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Ella earned her Ph.D. in geochemistry from Stony Brook University. Prior to joining Isometric, she held a postdoctoral research position at Yale University in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and worked as a research scientist at CREW Carbon, where she led research efforts to develop robust MRV frameworks.

At Isometric, Ella is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Enhanced Weathering.

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Emma Marsland
LCA Specialist

Emma is a specialist in life-cycle assessments (LCA) with deep experience in emissions accounting. As a senior climate change consultant at Arup, she reviewed and prepared LCAs for the built environment, ranging from major infrastructure projects through to carbon removal pathways.

At Isometric, Emma is responsible for ensuring quality and robustness of LCA work within Protocol and Module development as well as the carbon crediting process overall.

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Jennifer Yin, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Jennifer is a civil engineer whose Ph.D. at Stanford focused on coastal ocean observations. Her particular expertise is in building and deploying measurement systems in the natural environment. She has experience in climate risk, sustainable energy and water solutions and modelling, having worked at Jupiter Intelligence, GE and IBM.

At Isometric, Jennifer is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.

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Jing He, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Jing is an ocean scientist who earned her Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She also brings experience from Google’s Climate & Energy team, where she conducted a global modeling study of ocean alkalinity enhancement.

At Isometric, Jing is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.

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Sophie Gill, Ph.D.
Marine Carbon Removal Manager

Sophie holds a Ph.D. in Carbon Removal from the University of Oxford, where she worked on a thesis assessing the response of marine pelagic calcifiers to Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement as a marine Carbon Dioxide Removal technique. Sophie previously worked as a CDR consultant for Stripe (Frontier), Carbon XPRIZE, CEA Consulting and ClimateWorks.

At Isometric, Sophie is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on ocean-based carbon removal methods, including Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement.

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Kevin Sutherland, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Kevin is a biogeochemist who earned his Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. During his postdoctoral research at Harvard, he designed experiments to investigate element cycles on scales ranging from cell cultures to the global ocean.

At Isometric, Kevin is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Enhanced Weathering.

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Rhys Savage, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Rhys is an environmental geochemist who has focused on the potential for using alkaline waste materials for large scale CDR. Rhys earned his Ph.D. at Cardiff University.

At Isometric, Rhys is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on mining related carbon removal pathways.

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Rebecca Tyne, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Before joining Isometric, Rebecca was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and earned her Ph.D. in Geochemistry from the University of Oxford.

At Isometric, Rebecca is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Direct Air Capture.

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Neil Hacker
Partnerships Manager & Researcher

Neil is a researcher with a background in the techno-economic aspects of carbon removal pathways and published written work on the bottlenecks to scaling different removal technologies.

At Isometric, Neil is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform, as well as contributing thought leadership on the development of the carbon removal industry.

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Marya Matlin-Wainer
Science Operations Manager

Marya earned a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Michigan in Interdisciplinary Chemical Sciences with a cognate in Environmental Policy. She then gained practical experience in enhanced weathering (EW) field trials while working in Yale University's Earth and Planetary Sciences Department.

At Isometric, Marya supports the day-to-day operations of the Science division, creating efficient processes and project managing new Protocol development.

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Adam Ward, Ph.D.
Carbon Removal Scientist

Adam is a process engineer who earned his PhD in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. His previous work has focussed on the design of industrial carbon capture systems for both point-source capture and direct air capture. Before joining Isometric, Adam held both research and consulting positions, collaborating with major organisations and governments to advance carbon capture technologies.

At Isometric, Adam is responsible for development of Protocols and Modules to robustly quantify carbon emissions associated with CDR projects, with a particular focus on Direct Air Capture and energy emissions accounting.

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Jennifer Wilcox, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist

Jen was most recently the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management at the Department of Energy and is the Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. She has written and edited defining books on CDR (Carbon Capture, published in 2012, and CDR Primer, 2021) and is a leading voice in the scientific community.

At Isometric, Jen is responsible for ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.

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Stacy Kauk, P.Eng.
Head of Science

At Isometric, Stacy is responsible for leading our science team. This includes ensuring that rigorous science underpins all of Isometric’s carbon crediting decisions and that the Protocols and Modules are in line with the Isometric Standard.

Stacy was previously Head Of Sustainability at Shopify where she was responsible for building Shopify’s $55M+ CDR portfolio and was a founding member of Frontier. She also serves on the advisory boards of Carbon Removal Canada and Collaborative Fund, a venture capital firm.

She has a background in environmental engineering and public policy, with 20 years of experience working at the intersection of science and regulation in both the private and public sectors.

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The Technology Division is responsible for ensuring the Isometric platform executes against our technical roadmap, so that the Isometric platform (including the Registry) meets the needs and requirements of buyers, suppliers and other relevant stakeholders (including the scientific community).

Chris Podgorney
Product Manager

Chris spent 8 years as a Product Manager at Palantir, where he played a crucial role in supporting the UK Government with data analysis.

At Isometric, Chris is the Product Manager responsible for the oversight of the Isometric Registry as well as data collection and analysis (for example, data received from suppliers and VVBs).

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Emily Mears
Software Engineer

Emily previously worked as a software engineer at Deliveroo, Snapchat and Voisey. She has actively volunteered in the women in tech space, contributing to initiatives like DjangoGirls, NodeGirls, and CodeFirst: Girls.

At Isometric, Emily works as a full-stack engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.

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Georgie Daniell
Software Engineer

Georgie previously worked at Deliveroo, a cybersecurity company (now part of Datadog) and Dija (acquired by GoPuff).

At Isometric, Georgie works as a full-stack engineer supporting the development and maintenance of the Isometric platform, including the Registry.

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Jon Finerty
Software Engineer

Jon is an experienced software engineer, having previously held various engineering and management roles at J.P. Morgan, Huddle, Duffel and WorldRemit.

At Isometric, Jon works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.

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Junyuan Xue
Software Engineer

Junyuan previously worked as a software engineer at Pollen, Cleo and Mixcloud.

At Isometric, Junyuan works as a frontend engineer, with a particular focus on developing and maintaining the technical side of user interface on the Isometric platform, including the Registry.

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Konrad Komorowski
Software Engineer

Konrad previously worked as a software engineer for over 7 years, at companies including  Facebook and Glovo.

At Isometric, Konrad works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry, as well as internal company tooling and technical processes.

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Lawrence Holmes
Software Engineer

Lawrence previously worked as a software engineer at Pollen.

At Isometric, Lawrence works as a frontend engineer, with a particular focus on developing and maintaining the technical side of user interface on the Isometric platform, including the Registry.

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Mark Allen
Engineering Manager

Mark has a background in software engineering and leadership. He held engineering leadership roles at Skyscanner, and Glovo, and before joining Isometric was a co-founder of a start-up focussed on improving diversity in technology teams.

At Isometric, Mark has people management responsibility for several software engineers and oversees the day-to-day management of the technical roadmap.

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Mark Pullin
Software Engineer

Mark is an experienced software engineer. He has worked as a simulation engineer at Ferrari, an applied scientist at Amazon and a computational engineer at ARRIVAL.

At Isometric, Mark works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.

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Murtaza Abidi
Product Designer

Murtz worked as a product designer at TransferWise (now Wise) and Intercom, as well as a range of user experience freelance roles.

At Isometric, Murtz leads design work for the Isometric platform, ensuring a clear and accessible design across a range of products.

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Neef Rehman
Software Engineer

Neef is a creative technologist, having worked as a software engineer at studio ustwo following an early career in biotechnology.

At Isometric, Neef works as a full-stack engineer, developing and maintaining technology across the Isometric platform, including the Registry.

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Tomek Paczkowski
Software Engineer

Tomek has over a decade's experience working as a software engineer at companies including Pollen and Optimal Agriculture.

At Isometric, Tomek works as a backend engineer, with a particular focus on the technical architecture of Isometric’s platform, including the Registry.

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Ola Sitarska
Chief Technology Officer

Ola has over a decade of experience in senior engineering roles, including at VP-level, at Shopify, Onfido and Pollen. In 2014, Ola founded a non-profit focussed on technology education, with over 30,000 women participating from around the world.

At Isometric, Ola is responsible for leading our engineering team. This includes responsibility for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s technology roadmap.

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The Growth Division encompasses all commercial activities at Isometric, including negotiation of contracts with buyers and suppliers. It is also responsible for the communications and marketing functions of the organization, as well as policy engagement and government relations.

Neil Hacker
Partnerships Manager & Researcher

Neil is a researcher with a background in the techno-economic aspects of carbon removal pathways and published written work on the bottlenecks to scaling different removal technologies.

At Isometric, Neil is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform, as well as contributing thought leadership on the development of the carbon removal industry.

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Charlotte Rea
Partnerships Manager

Charlotte previously led partnerships work at Meta and Google, with a focus on tools supporting freedom of press and democracy.

At Isometric, Charlotte is responsible for sourcing and onboarding new carbon removal suppliers on to the Isometric platform.

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David Armstrong
Policy and Business Development Manager

David has more than 7 years experience working as an international policy specialist in the UK civil service. Most recently, he was Head of Trade Unit at HM Treasury.

At Isometric, David is responsible for policy engagement and sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.

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Nicholas Lembo
Head of Marketing and Communications

Nick has over 15 years experience in marketing and communications. This includes leadership roles in companies such as Yelp, Wise, and Gusto Wallet.

At Isometric, Nick is responsible for marketing, communications and public relations.

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Will Palmisano
Business Development Manager

Will started his career as a research assistant at the Brookings Institution studying U.S. health care policy and later worked at Aledade, where he helped build out the Business Intelligence team and also led Aledade’s programme of carbon dioxide removal purchases.

At Isometric, Will is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.

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Aarthi Paul
Business Development Manager

Aarthi has 10 years experience in enterprise sales at organisations including carbon credit marketplace Patch, Stripe and MVF.

At Isometric, Aarthi is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.

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Charlie Parkin
Business Development Manager

Charlie has worked in enterprise sales for 15 years. He spent nearly a decade at MVF in the UK and US before moving to lead the GTM function at a Health Tech startup.

At Isometric, Charlie is responsible for sourcing and onboarding buyers who want to use Isometric’s registry and verification services.

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Lukas May OBE
Head of Expansion & Policy

Lukas was previously Global Head of Expansion at Wise, which he expanded into dozens of new markets, including Japan, Singapore, and Canada. He also worked as a Senior Civil Servant in the UK Government from 2019 - 2023, leading international trade negotiations.

At Isometric, Lukas is responsible for leading the Expansion and Policy teams. This includes oversight of all commercial partnerships, as well as policy engagement and government relations.

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The Operations Division manages and oversees a range of day-to-day activities and processes at Isometric, including personnel, legal and financial functions.

Alex Steene
Founders Associate

Alex previously worked at Barclays, an EdTech accelerator and an M&A team at an Amazon aggregator in Berlin.

At Isometric, Alex supports the CEO directly in relation to company operations, including areas such as recruitment.

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Charlotte Johnson
Operations Manager

Charlotte is an experienced operations manager, having performed a range of operations roles in previous companies, including over 6 years at Onfido.

At Isometric, Charlotte is responsible for a range of company operations, in particular partnering with our external accountancy and legal firms in overseeing finance and legal processes, as well as developing the requisite employee onboarding processes.

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Clare Leckie
Chief of Staff

Clare graduated from the University of Oxford, where she studied Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. She then worked as a consultant at a boutique macroeconomics firm.

At Isometric, Clare supports the CEO directly in relation to all personnel and governance matters, including managing investor and board relations. She is also responsible for the Secretariat function for Board and Leadership meetings.

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Luke Harry
Operations Associate

Luke previously worked as an Investment Banking Analyst at UBS, with a focus on the natural resources sector (critical minerals and energy transition).

At Isometric, Luke supports the CEO's office in relation to company operations.

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Shreya Garg
Verification Lead

Shreya is a seasoned carbon auditor with over 12 years of experience in the industry. Before joining Isometric she was VP of Operations at validation and verification body Earthood.

At Isometric, Shreya manages our relationships with independent VVBs, ensuring the verification process runs smoothly and efficiently.

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Ellie Romer-Lee
Head of People

Ellie was the VP People at Onfido where she helped scale the organization from 10 to 400 people. She is a certified Executive Coach (accredited by the International Coaching Organisation).

At Isometric, Ellie is responsible for overseeing human resources, including recruitment, training and employee onboarding.

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The Isometric Board holds responsibility for the overall strategy for the organization, as well as appointments to the organization’s Leadership and the approval of annual accounts. The particular statutes and by-laws related to Isometric’s governance are set out in the Articles of Association, which are publicly available on the Companies House website.

Khaled Helioui
Board Observer

Khaled is a partner at Plural Partners. He joined Bigpoint as Chief Games Officer in 2012, taking over a 450 strong department of a fast growing & profitable gaming leader whose titles were played by hundreds of millions of gamers. In a few months he stepped up as CEO to prevent what looked like the end of the group which wasn’t prepared to face the quick rise of social games & mobile games.

He is driven by backing people who refuse to bend their will nor sacrifice their drive to see their vision through against all odds. Fighting for something bigger than oneself to correct an aspect of society that is fundamentally broken & prevents people from living a more meaningful life – lending his experience and reach to help founders, rarely fitting the mould, make their vision true is what keeps him going.

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Ryan Orbuch
Board Director

Ryan Orbuch is a Partner at Lowercarbon Capital and leads the firm’s work in carbon removal.

Prior to joining Lowercarbon, Ryan helped initiate and led Stripe’s carbon removal procurement program, which is generally regarded as the best in the industry. Ryan developed Stripe’s partnerships with Activate and Deep Science Ventures, and he recruited nearly 20 scientific expert reviewers from research universities around the world to inform Stripe’s carbon removal purchases. He led expert reviews of dozens of carbon removal project applications to select Stripe’s growing portfolio of removal companies, a basket of some of the most compelling carbon removal companies that currently exist.

With visibility into both scientific and practical operational challenges in scaling up carbon removal, Ryan is a trusted advisor to the foremost entrepreneurs and founders working to take CO2 out of the Earth’s carbon cycle.

Ryan joined Stripe as a product manager with a background in software startups, but had long been interested in climate. When Stripe made a commitment in 2019 to purchase carbon removal, Ryan jumped at the chance to finally have an excuse to massively accelerate his learning about the field. Before Stripe, Ryan was a product designer and software engineer. He co-founded Volley, an education software startup, and prior to that, while in high school, Ryan designed Finish, an Apple Design Award-winning productivity app for students.

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Eamon Jubbawy
Founder and CEO

Eamon founded Isometric in 2022 to introduce trust into the carbon removal industry. He is an expert in creating trust-building infrastructure, having previously founded Onfido, a digital identity verification company that helps the financial services industry prevent fraud and onboard customers with confidence. He built the organization to over 500 employees before leaving to found Isometric. Onfido has verified over 500 million identities globally and prevented over 21 million fraud attempts.

As CEO of Isometric, Eamon is responsible for setting and overseeing execution of the company’s strategic plan. He has line management responsibility for all members of the Leadership team.

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The science network

Alongside our internal team, Isometric is building an engaged, diverse community of 200+ climate scientists and industry experts. This community plays a pivotal role in reviewing durable CDR protocols and helping us accelerate the progress of CDR science

Click below to view the full list of the Science Network members.